Create Leaders, Not Followers

Build leaders of your people, not followers. "Ask don't tell" and "listen more than you speak" are brilliant nuggets of leadership advice, but under pressure leaders find themselves firing off answers and solutions because it's quicker, and because they don't know why their people keep coming to them with the same problems.

If you are experiencing this phenomenon, it's not because your people didn't hear you the first time, it's because they're either unclear in their understanding of what you expect, or they know what you expect and don't have the confidence or competence to achieve it. If you can distinguish which it is, it will help you to build leaders not followers.

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Hannah Sutton

Graphic & Website designer of 13 years, now helping fellow artists build beautiful, professional websites on Squarespace.

Bring The Best Out In Your People


What Happens When You Try To Live Up To Others' Expectations